Debbie Waller offers expert hypnotherapy training and supervision, whether you want to train as a hypnotherapist or improve your current skills.

Training with this author – our multi-accredited Foundation and Practitioner level training is held in Wakefield and York. Midweek and weekend options are available, and this training is suitable for those who are not yet hypnotherapists.

We also accept applications from hypnotherapists who wish to upgrade or update their original training. Classes start in February and September but please check the training website for up-to-date details.

Our training is multi-accredited and recognised internationally. We have small classes and there is plenty of support between meetings. We also have free online taster courses for those who want to find out more about what’s involved. – accredited/validated CPD courses for hypnotherapists, workshops and distance/online learning, including a limited number of free courses.



Image demonstrating the most important elements of hypnotherapy supervision

So often, supervision is seen as being ‘what you do when you don’t know what to do’. But good supervision is so much more. It should cover:

  • Your practice – helping you with clients if you need it; developing and understanding your skills; identifying and reviewing suitable CPD; helping you with reflective practice.
  • Running your business – PR/promotion; improving customer service; ethical questions and issues; keeping you up to date with changes in the law and other regulations.
  • Your welfare: checking that you are coping with the pressures of practice; ensuring you have effective self-care routines in place; providing personal or emotional support where needed.

Debbie is also a qualified and experienced supervisor and mentor for hypnotherapists and offers both 121 and groups by phone, Zoom or face-to-face. Please send an email to enquire about availability.

You can keep in touch with Debbie’s latest news, including new books due out, via the Yorkshire Hypnotherapy Training monthly newsletter